Dean`s Message
Basic science is taught to students at various stages of education in order to offer the necessary scientific knowledge, mindsets, and abilities for future scientific and technological growth. It also utilizes scientific inquiry abilities to plan and conduct scientific investigations as well as to assess scientific evidence and develop conclusions. Applied science, on the other hand, attempts to apply science to solve real-world problems, therefore making it practicable. Among the five interdisciplinary research topics offered by our Basic and Applied Science (BAS) institute are nanoscience, biotechnology, applied and computational mathematics, space environment, and energy materials. As a result, the mission of our BAS institute is to prepare students to be leaders in the development and implementation of system-wide strategies to facilitate collaboration across various research disciplines, as well as to achieve excellence in interdisciplinary graduate programs related to both science and engineering. We are dedicated to improving our present curricula and developing new undergraduate programmes that will provide our future graduates with a competitive advantage. These programmes are Chemistry, Molecular and Biomedical Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics, Applied Physics and Space Sciences, and Remote Sensing. We expect our graduates to be passionate scientists committed to using knowledge and technology to improve the quality of life in Egypt and everywhere they work, by bridging the social and life sciences. We are all excited to work with students who are creative, enthusiastic, and curious. I'd also appreciate the chance to learn from you. Let us work together to continue the academic tradition of greatness. Let us together build on the tradition of academic excellence. The BAS Institute and staff look forward to welcoming you.
Prof. Ahmed Abdelmoneim, Dean of BAS